Image: zelda3.png Raw Moments M00=2310942 M10=159776132 M01=133712689 M11=9372089567 M20=14375542966 M02=10726354119 M21=848620054531 M12=760038547357 M22=69056713787997 M30=1428913421534 M03=988741050289 Central Moments m00=2310942 m10=0 m01=0 m11=1.27333e+08 m20=3.32879e+09 m02=2.98965e+09 m21=-7.66067e+08 m12=3.69441e+09 m22=4.17858e+12 m30=-2.52945e+10 m03=2.21409e+10 Normalized Central Moments n00=1 n10=0 n01=0 n11=2.384310756e-05 n20=0.0006233160384 n02=0.0005598120042 n21=-9.436134718e-08 n12=4.550639972e-07 n22=3.385802358e-07 n30=-3.115684649e-06 n03=2.727235596e-06 Hu Invariant Moments I1=0.001183127984 I2=6.306737355e-09 I3=2.914028047e-11 I4=1.401092783e-11 I5=-2.769109027e-22 I6=-6.587642046e-16 I7=5.889542117e-23 I8=4.483527502e-16 Maitra Invariant Moments B1=0.06626821309 B2=4.41322279 B3=9.182044209e-07 B4=nan B5=-4.317211172e-11 B6=9.182044209e-07 Miscellaneous Parameters Total Mass = 2310942 Mean = 141.0487061 X Center of Mass (XCOM) = 69.13896179 Y Center of Mass (YCOM) = 57.86068726 X Radius of Gyration = 68.12892151 Y Radius of Gyration = 78.87104797 COM Radius of Gyration = 52.28900909 Ellipse Angle (radians) = 0.3220438063 Ellipse Angle (degrees) = 18.4517498 Ellipse Semi-Major Axis = 76.38931274 Ellipse Semi-Minor Axis = 71.42292786 Ellipse Eccentricity = 0.2549786866 Ellipse Intensity = 134.8245239